One of the hardest things about being a marketer is the ability to prove the impact of your efforts. If you’ve been tracking ROI for your digital marketing campaigns, you might have experienced the following pain points:
One of the hardest things about being a marketer is the ability to prove the impact of your efforts. If you’ve been tracking ROI for your digital marketing campaigns, you might have experienced the following pain points:
“Using marketing automation tools for tracking ROI is usually very time consuming and you have to set up several workflows before it can be automated.”
“Running reports and crunching numbers up to the last minute before the board meeting starts.”
“It happens to the best of us when dealing with complexity, speed, and limited tools. Cleaning up mistakes can ruin your week.”
“Not seeing the full journey across multiple people, campaigns, and touch points for an account can lead to the wrong channels getting the credit for the revenue.”
“Reports are not granular enough to create reliable apples-to-apples comparisons and spot trends to make better business decisions.”
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